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What we do

Women's Health
  • Dedicated antenatal clinics
  • Post natal mother and baby care
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Menopause care
  • Cervical smear test
  • Cardiovascular risk assessment, including ECG
  • Hypertension (Blood Pressure)
  • Lipid (cholesterol) monitoring
  • Diabetes care
  • Well Man and Well Woman screening
  • Cognitive function assessment
  • Spirometry
Special Interests
  • Paediatric care - childhood development and childhood immunisations
  • Weight management - in house dietician
  • Travel vaccines, including yellow fever
  • Occupational health and pre-employment medicals
  • Facial aesthetics - anti wrinkle treatments and dermal fillers
More Services
  • Cryotherapy - freezing of warts, verrucas and skin lesions
  • Driving licence medicals
  • Psychotherapy - in house psychotherapist
  • Hearing assessments
  • Chiropodist
  • Smoking cessation programmes